
Biofeedback is used to treat a variety of physical symptoms and conditions. Whereas relaxation training helps the client with general relaxation of their entire body, biofeedback targets problem area of the body for relaxation. Dr. Holman specializes in the treatment of several health-related problems including orofacial pain, often associated with temporomandibular disorder (TMD), tinnitus, muscle-tension headaches, migraine headaches, and headaches that are a combination of the two. Additionally, Dr. Holman treats hypertension.

Oral habits also respond to biofeedback. TMD is often associated with dysfunctional habits such as bruxism, i.e., clenching/grinding of the teeth, and other habits such as tongue sucking, which can have a negative impact on the jaw joints and oral cavity.

There are a number of different types of biofeedback. For more comprehensive understanding of the uses and types of biofeedback, Dr. Holman would be glad to provide you a brochure published by the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.

Dr. Holman specializes in the practice of two forms of biofeedback, electromyography (EMG) biofeedback and temperature biofeedback. To get a flavor of what biofeedback treatment entails, EMG of TMD will be used as an example. EMG biofeedback is used in situations where muscle involvement is causing symptoms. For example, in TMD, often the client is consciously or unconsciously tightening muscles of the head, neck and shoulders. Simply stated, EMG biofeedback works in the following manner: The equipment monitors electrical activity in the muscles targeted, much like sensors monitoring heart activity during an electrocardiogram (EKG) exam. EMG biofeedback equipment emits both digital and auditory signals reflecting the level of electrical activity in the muscle groups studied. The greater the auditory signal and digital readout, the more tense the muscles. The goal of EMG biofeedback is for the client to learn how to reduce muscle tension using the digital and auditory signals as feedback. During the hour, Dr. Holman monitors the EMG signal, as well. She provides additional intervention to facilitate muscle relaxation. It is a team effort including monitoring of jaw, head, neck position, posture in addition to other ergonomic factors.