Cognitive Behavioral Treatment

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is often called ‘evidenced-based treatment’ due to the immense amount of research conducted on this modality of therapy. In CBT, the focus of attention is changing self-defeating thought patterns. It has been discovered that how we think profoundly impacts how we feel. Of course, at times, all of us can have negative thoughts about ourselves, like “I’m so bad at this” or “I will never be able to learn this.” The problem is not an occasional negative thought but when negative thoughts become a characteristic way of thinking about ourselves in the world. Research has uncovered that negative thinking or, technically speaking, cognitive distortions not only affect our mood, but can trigger symptoms of anxiety and depression. Cognitive distortions also lower our self-esteem, reduce or effectiveness at work or school, and can impair our interpersonal functioning. Further, cognitive distortions can effect how individuals cope with illness.

In CBT, Dr. Holman is an active participant in the therapeutic process. Clients are assigned a series of homework assignments to determine what underlying cognitive distortions are typical of them. Behavior log sheets are given to help the client determine what situations activate self-defeating thinking. With Dr. Holman’s consult, clients learn how to replace negative self-statements with healthy self-talk. The therapeutic process is an active weaving between information gathering between sessions or what Dr. Holman calls “lab experiments” in which the client tries out healthier self-statements and problem-solving techniques in real-life, and the therapy hours where progress is reviewed and areas of continued challenge are explored and potential solutions are discussed. Following treatment sessions, the client goes out into the world to try out new strategies and consolidate earlier progress.

TDr. Holman believes that integration of therapeutic techniques is highly beneficial in many cases. CBT can often become part of a therapy process used in conjunction with relaxation training and/or biofeedback. The treatment strategies chosen are dependent on the client’s goals.